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Customers only want you if your messages resonate instantly. 
David shows you how to cause messaging ripples that pay off.

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The Simple Message Base Camp: a process for developing crystal clear messaging.


Uncover the beating heart of your organization and put it into simple, elegant words. 


  • Laser focus about who your customer is and how they think

  • The unique idea that expresses the heart of your organization

  • Words that will communicate your best ideas to the right customers

  • Reinvigorated leadership with a clear idea of your company’s true identity

  • Stories and illustrations that make your organization look amazing


•  Two Full-Day Sessions      •  Four Half-Day Sessions 

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Ghost writing and scripts that keep your messages consistent.  


Free your time from fussing with internal messages, video scripts, social media profiles, press blurbs or other marketing material. 


  • Time in your day free of worrying about writing

  • Quick turnaround on most assignments – less than 48 hours

  • Messages that are always aligned with your intent

  • Public-facing messaging that communicates sincerity and specificity

  • Internal communication that is clear, sensitive, and direct


•  Monthly Retainer     •  Hourly 

Talk to David about the impact you want to make.

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